
Project X Chapter 25 Interrogation

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(POV: ???)
“Hey,” I heard someone say to me quietly. Who was it again?
“Hey!” They spoke a bit louder this time, but who cared, I needed rest.
“Officer Veil!!” At my name I looked up.
“Yes?” I asked lifting my head up from my workspace.
“Ma’am, how is the investigation going?” My associate asked me.
“It’s going alright, I just got tired. This second attack on the same school this year… and all of those…” I stopped myself.
“Yeah, I can agree with you, I really don’t even understand how these creatures even exist, first the ice creatures, and now this blue dog and dragon looking thing,” My co worked exclaimed.
“Yeah, Jim, how did these things get here do you think?” I asked.
“I’m not too sure ma’am, can’t really say I would know… but, that blue dog,” Jim started.
“Yeah I know, the government wants him, but you know what, I’m not having that, I’m not gonna let them just hide the fact this happened. People died, but that one seemed to know what was going on, I’m not letting this just disappear, not in my town…” I proclaimed.
“Well ma’am that’s great and all,” Jim started, “But that’s not what I wanted to tell you, that blue dog, he’s ready to talk…”
I looked at him with a serious expressions, and without even speaking, walked out to go to the creature.
I walked into a room with one sided glass, and on the other side of the glass was the creature. Approximately it was three feet, eleven inches. It had blue, grey, and tan fur running across it’s body. It’s head and ears drooped, as his eyes just stared down into nothingness.
“Alright, I’m going in,” I said twirling my pony tail.
“You sure ma’am?” One of the watches said.
“Yeah, let me in,” I grabbed my clip board, my pen, and walked inside.
I walked inside as the door closed behind me. The atmosphere in the room, felt tense, as if everything around me would collapse. Knowing what this creature could do left me in a state of unease. As from the reports, he had unbelievable strength, and had incredible speed to back it up. They all said different things, and I’m inclined to believe all of them were correct about this things abilities.
But a voice in my mind made my fears and worry’s lessen a bit, -Hello…-
“H-hi…” I replied while getting seated.
He didn’t look at me, his head was still drooping down.
“Hey, can you look at me?” I asked.
His head slowly looked up, and his eyes… They were a bright crimson, but… it was as if all the light from his eyes was taken away from him. All that remained, was a pitch black darkness… looking into his eyes were like looking into an abyss, and in that abyss was nothing but pain, despair, sorrow…
I felt bad for him, but I had my job to do, “Can you give me your name?”
He paused for a minute before I heard the name, -Xeta, Shidel…-
My body turned cold when I heard that name, “Wait… Xeta Shidel, as in the Xeta who was harmed in an arsonist attack? The one who saved that girl from those creatures?”
-That is me ma’am,- before my very eyes his body had energy swirl, and when it disappeared his body was that of the boy I had met a few weeks prior.
-This, you see now, is nothing but a disguise….- His body then returned to his animalistic form, -This is what I looked like, past that attack,- He said.
“You were changed… is that what I’m getting from all this?” I asked while writing down this information as fast as I could.
-There is no use lying anymore, and I don’t exactly care anymore… so yes, I was, I was changed, and hid my form from all of you,- He explained, and I wrote.
“Why would you do that?! Why didn’t you tell anyone?” I asked.
-It’s obvious, I didn’t tell anyone, because of government, being taken, having my life stolen from me…. Like it already has…- He said looking away from me.
“So… the night I met you, I knew by your eyes, that something was off about you, but even then, I never would have expected this… so you’re not an alien or whatever?” I asked.
-I don’t know what I am, I was never told, or needed to care really…- He admitted.
“Ok… I guess that wraps up that question... Tell me, there were some strings of some animals coming pu dead in the forest, and not only that, some people in some kind of task force outfits, and a few drug dealers… was th-“ he cut me off.
-All me, everyone but the hunter, that’s all,- He admitted.
“You… you do realize you just admitted to multiple accounts of murder, correct?” I asked.
-For self-defense, and the safety of others, weren’t the people at the school also wearing those task force outfits?- He asked me.
“Well yes… but it’s still murder!” I exclaimed.
-Not like it matters anyway, I don’t really care anymore,- He once again admitted.
“You keep saying you don’t care… but why is that?” I asked.
He gave a small laugh, and smiled sadly at me, -Should it not be so obvious?-
I looked down at the notes I had been writing.
“Alright, well, that’s not important right now, at this moment, there was another strange occurrence that took place a week back, at a library… do you care to condone if it was you or not?” I asked.
-It was, but it wasn’t me alone…- He said.
“Do you care to explain?” I asked him.
-I don’t mind at all, but it will take a bit of explaining, so listen closely,- He explained.
I then waited for him to start.
(Xeta POV, 1 week earlier)
It was the day after the concert, it was a normal day at school, well not exactly normal. A lot of people were congratulating me and Elizabeth on our performance together at the talent show. I guess we both impressed them, with her voice, and my effects, it really was a match made in heaven for a show like that.
While we were at lunch we barely had any time to speak to each other, cause people kept asking questions from us and just complimenting. Wasn’t really the type of person who likes to have attention, but I guess I had no choice.
The day thankfully ended, but what was weird was there was no sign of Bruce anywhere, I wonder where he wandered off to.
After school, I went back to my cave, and decided to hunt. After nabbing a good deer I headed back to prepare it. In the middle of preparing I got a text message. It was from Bruce.
“Hey you there!? Sorry, I got caught up with my family,” He texted.
I texted back, “It’s fine, don’t worry about it. So what’s going on?”
“Well, I found out some stuff about the library, I found out there is an alarm system there. If we disable it, then it wont be a problem if we get in. There is also some security cameras,” he explained.
“Jeez, you found all that out? You visited the place or something?” I asked.
“Yeah it was pretty easy, just went in there and looked inside, with how fast you are you should be able to get us in there easily. There are camera’s in the corners of the room, but I’m not too sure about the alarm, but I think it was the thing behind the desk,” He texted.
“Alright, when should we hit the place then?” I texted to him.
“Are you free tonight? I kind of need to do this cause of my family,” He said.
“Alright that should be fine, I’ll meet you there ok?” I said.
“Alright, there is an alleyway behind the store, meet me there at eleven,” He texted.
“Alright, will do,” I finished and put my phone down.
I continued to prepare the deer I caught. Cutting it, laying it out, cooking it, and all that.
Afterwards I got to eating it. Had me some cola along with it. After watching TV and doing some other things, it was around ten, thirty.
I got another text, it was from Elizabeth, “Hey how are you?”
“I’m fine, me and Bruce are doing something tonight,” I replied.
“Alrighty, I’m going to be staying home tonight, so you guys stay safe alright?” She said.
“Will do, stay safe ok?” I said.
“Alright, later,” She replied.
I then got ready to go. Got my gear, and our guns just in case.
I then took a back route through the forest to get to that part of town. To make things less suspicious, I made the gun cases look invisible to anyone who would look at them. I made it to the address and went to the alleys behind the buildings. I found Bruce had already got here before me, seems I made it on time.
“Yo, what’s up?” He asked.
-Nothing, you ready to get this over with?- I asked.
“Yeah, alright now listen, in the corner to the left of this door is one camera, the other one in the corner diagonally from it, it’s next to the entrance. Once you take them out quickly destroy the alarm, hopefully it works,” Bruce explained.

-Well what type was it?- I asked.
“It looked plain and simple, nothing too advanced,” He said.
-Then it should be fine, hopefully, let’s just see how it goes,- I said.
I got myself ready, and in one swift motion broke through the door, and went straight left. I saw the camera there and without hesitating, I turned my tail to steel, and destroyed it. I then proceeded to make a bone staff and threw it at the other camera after jumping over a shelf in the store. Perfect shot.
Then for the final show, with the amount of time I had remaining, I stabbed through the protective seal on the alarm, and destroyed it, making it unusable.
(Officer Veil POV, Present)
“You say you destroyed the cameras? Well, you were mistaken on that front,” I explained.
-I was?- Xeta asked.
“One of them was still on, we have footage from that night. But we couldn’t see much, just we could tell there were signs of a scuffle between you, and another person, do you want to enlighten me to who that person was Xeta?” I asked.
-I was just getting to that, don’t worry, you’ll have your answers,- he promised.
“Alright then, if you would, please continue.”
(Xeta POV, 1 week prior)
Bruce came in after I did my work.
“As great as always you know?” He said.
-You don’t have to flatter me for breaking and entering,- I said.
“Anyways, let’s get looking alright?” He said.
-Alright,- I agreed.
I started with the front desk. We both looked for anything that might count as evidence or info for the group that did this to me. We searched every drawers, and found some files. We started reading through them, but we weren’t able to find anything on it. We checked the next drawer and found more files. This time it was just bills on.
It was just a seas of files, and nothing gave us any insight onto what we were dealing with or what we were even supposed to do.
-Damn it, alright I’m going to check the computer now,- I said.
“Alright, I will say if there is anything in the back room,” He said.
-WAIT!- I told him.
“What? What is it?” He asked.
-Here,- I went out, got his gun case, then brought it back to him.
-Just in case- I said.
“Alright,” He got out his gun and entered the back room.
I started checking the computer. No lock which was a bit strange, but I guess it is just a library. I started looking through the files to find anything unique or out of the ordinary, and I still couldn’t find anything.
“Yo Xeta?” Bruce said.
-Yeah?- I asked.
“Could I see your phone for a minute?”
-Uh, sure here,- I handed him my phone, and he nodded and went back to look.
I kept looking through files. Video files, photo files, and regular files, but yet I couldn’t find anything at all. “F***!” I yelled in my own voice.
“What’s wrong?” Bruce came out and asked.
-Nothing, there isn’t anything here… we were duped,- I said.
“Well, I wasn’t able to find anything either, I’ll keep looking, but check out those computers over there, might not be much, but it might have something,” He said.
-Alright,- I said.
I walked over to the computers with my hopes up. But not much really, I was getting tired of this. These missions I’ve gone on have led me in Bruce in circles. Nothing good came from it. Maybe I should just give up? Like, do I really need revenge? Do I really need to stop some organization with who knows how many men? No, I don’t, I could just protect those I care about. When we graduate, me and Elizabeth could move away, or something. We don’t have to do this, it’s not worth it anymore really.
I checked the computers, but still nothing. Yeah, that was it, nothing found, nothing done, and I really didn’t care anymore. That was it, I couldn’t….
But as if a split second chance, the sound of clicking metal resided behind my head. My ears perked up in response to that very definitive sound. That one small clack of metal, made chills run across my body, already knowing what it was, a gun. If they had fired then, it would have been it, there would have been no way for me to react to the shot, none at all.
Something unexpected happened, something I didn’t expect, considering the situation I was in.
“Don’t move,” the voice said.



(Officer Veil’s POV, Present)
“Well?!” I asked in frustration, waiting for Xeta to speak up again.
-I… Uh, I…- He slowly spoke, seeming in shock now, and not knowing how to answer.
-Can…. Can we please take a break for now… I need, to gather my thoughts….- He said calmly.
“Why can’t you just tell me now?” I said frustrated.
His eyes opened, the slits in them had become really thin now, I could swear his eyes were even glowing, and this purplish black energy formed from him.
I froze in my chair, not knowing what he was going to do. I realized now, this thing could kill me at any moment. I knew the others on the other side of that glass were ready to let loose their weapons on him, there is no way they wouldn’t.
But then his eyes grew sadder and his energy faded. I finally felt myself breath again.
-Please, it’s not exactly easy to talk about it,- He said saddened, -I will give you your answers, but please, just give me time, I’m not exactly okay with what I did that night,- He finished.
“Alright, we will continue this later, we will have someone bring you some food a-“ I started but was cut off.
-I’m not hungry, just some water please,- He said.
“Alright then, we will have someone bring that to you,” I said and left the room, with the door sealing behind me.
“He just admitted to multiple murders officer Veil, isn’t this enough?” One of my co workers asked.
“Negative, I need the full story… I feel, I have a feeling that something wasn’t right, and he was actually a victim in all this,” I said.
“Ma’am you sure, just look at that thing,” one of my other workers argued.
“The way he spoke wasn’t one of a monster, and besides, my verdict hasn’t been given out yet, I still need more info, we’ll see how it goes from here, alright?” I ordered.
“Yes Ma’am!!” They both yelled.
I turned to look at him. If he really was changed, that means he changed the same night his family died.  He’s killed before, a unforgiveable act, but the people he took out, they killed his family, hurt his friends… in that regard… what would be the right choice.
I’ll have to decide that myself I guess, I’ll listen to his story, then I’ll make my decision.
alright! next chapter is here! Sorry for the wait on this one guys, I hope you all enjoy, I will be posting literature every weekend now, so that will be the schedule, see you all next time!
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ninjax16's avatar
The plot thickens...