
Pokemon Revival Chapter 54 Scars

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XetaJTS's avatar

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I woke up with a stretch and a yawn, letting all of my limbs, including my tail, get back their ability to move properly. I took a look up at the ceiling with my crimson eyes and just stayed there for a moment until I felt like moving. After staring at the ceiling for about two minutes I looked over to the right.
Laying down in Lucario’s bed was the shiny zoroark I helped yesterday. She seemed to have squirmed around a lot in her sleep, because the blanket and pillows were thrown around. I decided that I would start on breakfast for everyone, maybe fruit this time.
After walking out of the room and letting her rest I had realized something. I actually slept well for the first time in forever. I never thought I’d be able to get another good night’s rest, but yet I did. It felt good, and I mean really good to finally not have a nightmare.
I took a look around the house with my aura, again forgetting that I was able to do that…. Why do I forget something that happens every time I close my eyes? I saw that everyone else was still in bed.
I guess it couldn’t hurt to start early, then I wont have to work when they get up. I went to the kitchen, pulled out a few bowls from the cupboards, and got to work. I pulled out some fruit, apples, pineapple, blue berries, and oranges.
I turned on the sink, gave the fruit a rinse, and then gave my claws and paws a clean with dish soap. After that I started using my claws to cut the fruit, use ’em  if you have ‘em right? After cutting the apples into slices, cutting the pineapple into rings, making orange slices, and separating each bowl with some blueberries I was finally done. Thankfully it didn’t take me long to finish and when I was I put two of the bowls in the fridge for when Jon and Ray wake up. I took mine and Zuria’s and headed back up stairs with them.
After quietly opening the door to our room and placing the bowls on one of the night stands I walked over to where she was laying. I slowly and quietly put my paw on her shoulder.
-Hey, time to get up,- I said with a calm voice.
What I got replied with was not a happy greeting from her…. Far from it actually.
(Zuria POV)
I was asleep, not having a dream for once. I was grateful not to have one, because they were never good dreams. It was peaceful for once, I was peaceful for once. Never thought I would have another sleep like this…. usually things are not this peaceful, so why were they now? I really didn’t understand.
Suddenly a creature placed it’s paw on my shoulder! It had startled me awake from my slumber. How did it get in my den!!? I would have heard it so how!? I had no time to think, it snuck in and was obviously skilled!!
Without even thinking I swung around from where I lay and slashed at the creature! It couldn’t have avoided it, I knew aerial ace, and I clawed at it with a blinding speed it couldn’t dodge. As I looked up and prepared for another swing at the creature I realized something horrible.
With my claw raised I looked at who was in front of me with my yellow eyes, it was the blue dog creature that had helped me, Jae. He was holding his left arm in what appeared to be pain. I then realized that I was no longer in my den, I was in his home. I looked over at the stand and saw there were two bowls of fruit, did he make that…. For me?
He looked up at me with his crimson eyes, and I could read them, they asked, “Why?!”
I looked at his arm that he was holding and saw that is had started to bleed profusely…… and then I looked at my claws, and saw that blood was dripping down them…
Blood had started to drip on the floor, his guard was completely down when I attacked, he hadn’t expected me to at all! There were three clean cuts going across his arm now, and they were deep!
I quickly got up off the bed, -Oh no! No, no, no, no, no! I’m sorry I-I didn’t mean, I mean I didn’t know that you-I,-
-Stop!- He said in a struggling voice, -Listen, go through that door and go to the bathroom, and that white thing there are cabinets, open them and grab the biggest cloth you can get, it looks like that,- He said pointing to the blanket, -Now go!-
I didn’t even hesitate, as fast as I could I ran out of the room on all fours and burst through the door of the bathroom. I saw the cabinet things he was talking about and opened it up. I saw that there were cloths like the blanket in the other room and quickly grabbed whichever one was big enough. After that I ran back out and into the room Jae was in. I saw he had slumped up against the bed still clutching the part of his arm near his paw.
As soon as I came in he looked at me, -Hand it here!-
I gave him the cloth and he wrapped it around his arm and sat there breathing heavily and sweating. I couldn’t believe I just did that!
-I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry….- I kept repeating.
-Stop….. not your fault, I should’ve realized not to do that, you’re not used to this, I should’ve….- He started to say but then fell over.
-JAE!!!- I yelled. I quickly shook him to try to wake him up, to no success.
I looked at the claw marks I left in him and saw that they had continued to bleed, did he lose too much blood?! I thought about what to do, but I didn’t know what!? How do I fix this, how can I close the wound!?
WAIT! The other two….but I…
I looked down at the creature in front of me. He has done nothing, nothing but show me kindness, and care… Forget my fears!!! He’s the first to ever show me this!! I’m not letting him die!!!
I sniffed the air and found the other two scents I was looking for and ran out of the room into where they were, and screamed.
-WAKE UP!!!!- I yelled as loud as I could.
The bigger of the two jumped up into the air and fell off the bed, while the others fur lit up with electricity while screaming.
The bigger one got up first, -WHERE’S THE FIRE AT?!-
-W-what? NO! THERE’S NO FIRE! I-I- I said while tears started to form.
-WHAT DID YOU DO!?!?- The bigger one yelled at me while the smaller one looked in shock.
-J….Jae’s hurt, and I don’t know what to do!- I said scared and backing away.
This bigger one looked angrier then I have seen most, but quickly lost it, -Look, we’ll worry about what you did later, right now we have to focus on Jae, let’s go!-
I quickly led these two to the room where Jae was laying on the floor with a bloody cloth, with now a small pool of blood forming around his paw.
-SHOW ME THE WOUND!- The bigger one said seriously.
As fast as I could I showed him the three claw marks that were on his arm.
The bigger one gave me a look of anger, -Three claws, I wonder who has three claws in this house?-
-Jon you have three claws as well,- The little one said.
That seemed to irk Jon, -Not the time Ray!-
-Can we help him!? I don’t know what to do!- I said to them.
Jon looked down at Jae and his face showed one of understanding.
-Hold him down!- He said.
-What!?- I asked.
-DO IT! Both of you!- He yelled.
I held down his right arm and leg while Ray held his left leg. Then Jon went over to the injured arm and placed a paw on it.
-He’s going to squirm like crazy, and is going to scream, so just prepare!- He said.
Ray and I both nodded and waited.
I saw Jon’s tail light up and he slowly lifted towards one of the claw wounds. He then lowered it onto the wound and the lightning started to burn the wound shut, and of course Jae started fighting and yelling.
-HOLD HIM DOWN!- Jon screamed.
We both held down his limbs as he tried to fight through the pain.
-ALRIGHT THAT’S ONE, NOW THE NEXT!- He quickly started on the next wound and Jae kept on screaming and squirming as we held him down, his tail swishing back and forth!
-LAST ONE!- He then ran the tail over the last wound, Jae continuing to scream, and once the last wound closed Jae started hyperventilating.
Then Jae fell over and his breathing was very soft.
-Is he going to be okay!?- I asked worried.
-He passed out, he wont be up for a while, and we should probably still cover the cuts with some bandages, but I’m gonna need you two to do them,- He explained.
-Why can’t you?- I asked confused.
-Because my paws aren’t exactly used for grabbing thing, they’re more for cutting, and ripping,- He said, -You two have paws or claws that can grab, so you will be bandaging him, but I will teach you how.-
We walked back into the bathroom and he told me to take out the red box that was in the cabinet. We brought it back to where Jae was and Jon told me to pull out the tan cloth. Ray and I wrapped it around the claw marks. Then he told us to use this blue, sticky stuff to hold it in place. One that was done we lifted him on to the bed.
I looked over at the nightstand again and looked at the bowls on it. It was two bowls of fruit, one for him….and one for me.
-He probably made that for you, was probably worried about you and wanted to make sure you got something to eat. I’ve heard of heartless but man this really takes the cake,- Jon said.
I held my paw up to my muzzle, I felt sick, I felt like I was about to throw up.
-OW!- I heard after the sound of knocking.
I turned around and saw Ray had bashed him on the head with his tail.
-What was that for you little twat!!??- Jon yelled.
-Shut up! You don’t have to make someone feel worse than they already are about an ACCIDENT! Especially a lady, didn’t your parents teach you to treat women with respect?- Ray asked.
-Did your parents teach you!?- Jon argued back.
-Yeah they did, so what!? Bite me!- Ray said running off while shaking his tail at him.
-Alright then, it’s cat and mouse you little runt!!- Jon said chasing after him.
I looked at Jae on the bed and looked at the fruit he got for me. He made it nice too….he put this much care into something I was just gonna eat? I walked out of the room with one of the bowls and tried to find the other two. I found they in the white tile room where Jae made that food yesterday. Jon had Ray pinned down while Ray was laughing.
-Excuse me?- I said.
-Huh? What is it?- Jon asked.
-Do you… I don’t think this stays fresh like this, do you know where it goes?- I asked.
-Huh? Oh yeah, one sec,- He walked over to this white box and opened it. Inside there were two other bowls, and Jon noticed.
-Huh? Oh! Ray, Jae made us food as well!- He said.
-Really!?- He said.
-Yeah, I guess he made it before…. Well….Anyway, just take out those bowls for us, and you can put that in there and it will stay fresh,- He said.
I pulled out the two bowls in the fridge and put the one for Jae in there. I left those two alone and walked back up to where Jae was. I sat on the bed next to him with the bowl and ate what he made me. I felt bad for it, because I didn’t deserve it…
After eating the fruit I just laid my dead down on the bed, and I decided that I would wait for him to wake up.
(Jae POV)
“So who is she Jae?”
“What do you mean?”
“I thought I was one the for you?”
“What are you talking about, her and I just met!”
“Is she your new little b****?”
“She hurt you, you know I would never hurt you.”
“What, no, it was an accident!”
“Come on Jae, I know you want me!”
“What the hell are you talking about? You’re…”
“I’m what? I’m right here, now….how about you show a girl a good time?”
I quickly sprung up from the bed with a cold sweat. I was breathing heavily and shaking. Why did those nightmares start again!? I don’t get it! WHY!? What made that happen!?
I then took a look around the room and realized it was night. The room was nearly pitch black with just moon light shining in. I then felt a burning pain in my arm, I took a look and saw it was bandaged. I tried to touch it but it was very sensitive. I looked at the night stand to see that one of the bowls of fruit was gone and the other one is there but empty.
I noticed that Zuria wasn’t in the room, but the window was open. I remembered that she was the one that caused the wound, and I was worried she would’ve thought I wouldn’t want her here. I Quickly walked up to the window and looked out it, and I quickly saw that she wasn’t gone. She was sitting on the roof. She had curled herself up and was looking down with an upset look.
I walked outside onto the roof and walked closely behind her.
-You don’t have to be here by yourself you know?- I said.
She quickly zoomed her head to look at me with a shocked expression, -You’re awake!-
-Yep, didn’t have a very good dream though, but besides that I’m fine,- I said to her while sitting next to her.
-I’m sorry…- She apologized.
-It was an accident, you didn’t mean to,- I said to her, -It’s okay.-
-No it’s not…I nearly killed you, twice…. And you did nothing wrong,- She said.
-What can I say, I might be too forgiving, but… I don’t see that as a bad quality…. So why are you out here?- I asked.
She looked to be confused about why I asked but started to speak, -Well…..the night sky always comforts me….I’m never able to look at the sky when the sun is out, but during the night it’s so much more…peaceful, the stars…the moon, it always helps me forget….-
Now it was my turn to be confused, -Forget what?-
She didn’t look at me when I asked, she simply ruffled some of the fur on her arm, and I was horrified to see what was there. On her arm there were multiple small scars, and I am not just talking about that one area, I mean all over it!
-They’re not just there….they’re all over…- She said sadly.
I looked at her with concern, -You didn’t have to show me that.-
-I haven’t shown anyone that….any I needed something to show I trusted you,- She said.
I looked at her, -Well I mean, coming with, and not running off proved you do.-
-But I hurt you…I…- She started to say.
-Stop, don’t be like that, I’m fine, in fact it doesn’t hurt that much,- I said.
-B-but! They electrocuted the wound shut, it will….- She started.
-What scar? Scars may not go away, but they do heal, just like this one on my shoulder,- I explained.
-But you never forget who made them….- She said.
I gave a breath, -Yeah…I guess I can agree to that one…-
We just stayed there for a minute in silence, either looking up at the sky, or listening to whatever sounds came from the woods.
-I know you asked before, and I wont ask you about yours, we’ll do that later, but if you still want to know I can tell you how I got my scar?- I said.
She turned her head at me with an interested but yet confused look, -Why?-
-Well you asked, do you still want to know?- I asked again.
She took a moment but then nodded.
-Okay, so where to start…I guess we start a week after I was born….my village was attacked, and well during the attack, I ran off, and was shot by one of the humans attacking,- I explained.
-When you were a week old?- She asked.
-Well, at least that’s what the doctors said,- I explained.

-Wait, don’t you live with humans? Why would you if you were hurt by them?- She asked.
-Because not everyone is bad like that, just like I can tell your not, when you attacked me the first thing you did was realize your mistake and tried to help me, that’s how I knew you didn’t mean to,- I said.
She looked down again.
-But to tell you the truth, this scar wasn’t visible back then,- I said.
-What?- She asked looking at me.
-Yeah, I had worked for one of the humans that lived here, we were basically protectors that watched over the town, and during the most recent mission a piece of metal got lodged into the same spot, making the scar you see now,- I explained to her.
She seemed shocked, -But working for them got you hurt, don’t tell me you still work for them!-
-Well I don’t anymore, but for a different reason,- I said.
-What, what’s the reason you quit?- She asked.
I gave a little laugh, -You ask a lot of questions.-
That seemed to embarrass her, -S-sorry.-
-Don’t be it’s fine,- I said, -Anyway, the reason I quit was because… during that mission a lot of friends of mine were hurt or….killed.-
She gave me a look of sympathy when I said that.
-I felt like, I was the reason they were hurt, that all of it could've been avoided if I had just not been there, I decided to quit so everyone else would be safe,- I explained.
She seemed confused, -But, wouldn’t having more people around make things safer?-
-Well, technically yes but, it’s a lot more complicated then just that,- I said.
She seemed as if she was going to ask another question, but stopped herself.
I smiled at her, -Hey, how about we head back inside, it’s nice out here but you probably haven’t eaten since this morning, have you?-
-Your still gonna let me back in?- She asked.
-Well I did say you could stay, and I would feel bad if I went against that, so yes….. I’m not gonna make you go back out there, you suffered more than enough, way more than I have,- I said.
I saw her paw close to her eyes, she must’ve been wiping tears.
I walked back to her and held my paw out, -C’mon, you’ll catch a cold like that.-
She looked up at me with swollen eyes, and slowly a smile formed on her muzzle and she took it.
I led her back inside the room and we went down to the living room where I saw Jon and Ray watching TV.
-Hey guys!- I said while Zuria finished climbing down the steps.
-JAE!- Ray yelled and jumped onto my shoulder, -Good to see your okay!-
-Same here bud,- I said back.
-Well good to see you’re awake, you slept like a log,- Jon said.
-Yeah I bet, so Jon…were you the one who closed the cuts?- I asked.
-You mean the ones she made? Yeah I did,- He said.
I didn’t exactly like him blaming her for that, so I decided to piss him off, -Well just wanted you to know you suck as a surgeon!-
-WHAT! I’m the one who closed the wound idiot!- He said.
-Well if I remember correctly Ray closed a wound for you too, and from what I heard it didn’t hurt this bad!- I said jokingly.
-I’m an electric type idiot! You’re not! Of course it wouldn’t be as bad as me!- He argued.
-Sounds like just an excuse!- I said holding my paws behind my head.
I saw him start to spark, -How about you just get in the kitchen before I fry you and make you dinner!-
I smiled, -Alright thunderstorm, I’ll head on in there, Zuria, Ray, mind helping me?
-Sure!- Ray said.
-O-okay!- Zuria smiled.
We all walked in there and I started to decide what we were going to have tonight. I decided fish since Jon fixed my arm. After a minute of starting to prepare Zuria held something to me.
-Here, you weren’t able to eat this morning, I put it up so you could…- She said with a smile.
I looked up at her smiling, -Thanks Zuria.-
I then continued to cook while Ray and Zuria helped me get things.
Alright sorry for the wait! I know it's' been awhile but as you know I have been doing the comics for this! I hope you all enjoy this!
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inshanemorph's avatar
I love seeing Jae and Zuria get closer, which is going to make when the rest of the family comes home so much more heart wrenching.